For Catholics who care...
Once…I was notorious for wearing my heart on my sleeve, now… I wear “my faith” there. This witness to the wonder of being Catholic, my wearing my Catholic on my sleeve, has been beneficial to those around me and much less dangerous to my person. I recognize now that my heart and my faith are much the same animal: They are the vessel that determines my capacity to love.
We are told that people who wear their heart on their sleeve express their emotions freely and openly. Often, they possess little ability to be deceptive, they speak earnestly and honestly about whom they are and what they know. They are extremely childlike in that manner. What good news that has been for me! For Christ tells us the truth: “Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” I started to think about this idea of my wearing my Catholic on my sleeve. What does this clever, little slogan really mean? To me, it means that I openly witness to my concern for my salvation and my attempt to grow closer to Christ every day. It means… that I have committed to do whatever helps in that regard; change/refrain from whatever doesn’t help. It means… I know I am not in this race alone and that I ought to be concerned with the salvation of my sisters and brothers in Christ as well. I am a big, noisy person. I always have advice and I am not afraid to share my thoughts about anything. I think a lot. I have been known to rumple feathers, get under the skin of many and sometimes say too much. People identify me as that Catholic woman precisely because I wear my heart on my sleeve. I tell everyone I can about my encountering Christ and my increased sense of the supernatural. I know this aggravates some people and yet, only yesterday I thought: I must not stop sharing my Good News, even though it is not always fully appreciated, applauded or preferred. My speaking about Christ to men and women I encounter, for example at the pub-- my witnessing to the glory of the Faith and the beauty of the Church to these folks who perhaps have lost touch with God’s active presence in our midst-- is a great thing for me to do. It very well may be the only chance they had to think about God all day. And a day without God crossing a person’s mind is sad day indeed.
jackie white
6/6/2015 10:18:02 am
I find myself in your shoes but without frequenting the pub. Too old for that part. Love my faith and love to witness. Wherever I go the Christ is with me and I want everyone to know it. I love it when people comment about how happy I am. Why not? I am the temple of the Holy Spirit. He is alive and well in me. We should shout it from the housetops.
John Thorburn
6/6/2015 12:38:42 pm
Talk about a good luck charm.
Frances Wellington
6/8/2015 01:58:42 am
Yes Evelyn, a day without God is indeed a sad day. Sharing our faith or "wearing our faith on our sleeve" is what brings others closer to God. When God is not in our conversation is an injustice to others. Quoting a line from -Forming Intentional Disciples, " The parable of the lost sheep is reversed today: ninety-nine have gone off and one remain in the sheepfold". Let's wear our faith on our sleeves, and be Christ to others . Let's do the will of God, tell others of His great love, what He has done for us, and that He is always there for us. If this is known the ninety-nine gone astray may return to the fold.
6/8/2015 07:22:59 am
Great insights Fran. Have you sent the link www.letitallstarthere.com to three friends who need God on their minds today?
Ellen Moran
6/8/2015 06:13:18 pm
I come from a long line of Irish Catholics and recent generations Bronx-Irish Catholics.One of the very first things we learned is to never wear your heart on your sleeve,perhaps it was a throwback protection from the old country, where there was a time it was illegal to publicly be Catholic.( learning the faith via "hedge schools" and all that history)
6/16/2015 09:43:37 pm
I love the Psalms. I can go to them and find comfort and support. They let me know how I am feeling is ok. The Psalms keep my heart hopeful knowing God is never far off. Christ, from the cross, quoted psalm 21 I assume he knew it well. 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me, far from my prayer, from the words of my cry?'
6/19/2015 12:46:45 am
My today's top 10. Psalm 39 1-4. I have waited , waited for the Lord, and he stooped toward me and heard my cry. He drew me out of the pit of destruction , out of the mud of the swamp; He set my feet upon a crag; he made firm my steps. And he put a new song into my mouth, a hymn to our God.
Corinne Connington
6/29/2015 11:46:16 pm
6/19/2015 06:32:19 am
Thanks for posting Dennis. The psalms are sometimes overlooked.
jackie white
6/19/2015 06:37:50 am
Frances Wellington
6/21/2015 12:02:22 am
these are words written by St. Ambrose about the Psalms.
jackie white
6/21/2015 03:41:12 am
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