For Catholics who care...
I haven't written an essay for this blog in two weeks. Not because I haven't anything Christ related to share, but because I had briefly become disenchanted with this call to The New Evangelization. I'm back now.
Many Catholic folks I know, who claim to love the material at www.letitallstarthere.com, also claim that they don't have the time to visit the blog so that they might read, comment on and share its content. Doing so would make them true evangelizing disciples of Christ. But they don't seem to get that. I can't think of an easier way to evangelize and yet the common excuse is: I've been too busy to get there. These are the same people who attend workshops on The New Evangelization and are committee members with Evangelization Outreach. Go figure. A non-believing friend of mine asked me this pointed question: What do you want from these people? My answer: I want them to grow their imagination and their courage. So...here is an exercise in just that: Imagine your cell phone is ringing. Imagine that on the screen the caller's name reads: Jesus. Are you too busy to answer the phone call? I feel that my well intentioned audience at Let It All Start Here is doing just that. Not answering Jesus' call. Christ calls us every day. And it is too bad and too sad when we are too busy for Him. I have learned that the way to answer His call is to be primarily preoccupied with Him. Think of Him the way and as often as you would a new, romantic love. Look forward to speaking with Him, to seeing Him, to being with Him. Or think of Him as often and as attentively as a new mother thinks of her newborn baby. If we adopted that sense of knowing Him, we could not help but answer His call. I urge people to use their imagination to help support their desire to be a Faithful disciple of Christ.... Okay try this: Pretend you are the great painter Caravaggio with a highly developed imagination. With this keen skill you can actually hear Christ's voice... see His kind face... feel His warmth... smell the scent of His robes. You can even imagine that, with His grace, you are Christ in this world for others.... Read the Gospel, know the scenes of His life ...imagine what was really happening. Be preoccupied with Christ Jesus. Now, why the need for a deeper sense of courage? Because there is a considerable lifestyle change if one is to be a disciple of Christ in this increasing secular world. To be a follower of Christ requires one to experiment with new behaviors and that can make a person VERY uncomfortable. For example, this newly formed imagination that beckons Christ to you may be as difficult to develop as learning to write beautiful cursive with your none writing hand. One must practice. One must pay close attention to the details of forming the letters. One must not get too busy to do the work. One must imagine the lovely script already formed on the paper. Courage is required to be a witness of Christ in the world. I think that lack of courage keeps most of my readership from sharing their thoughts, concerns, ideas and feelings about their relationship to Christ and His church. Being brave is not a slowly developed personality trait. One can not ease into being brave. It is a quick decision that one makes. In every difficult situation, one is either brave or one is not. Understand that being brave also means being empowered. It is within everyone's reach with God's grace.
Janet Wenner
5/15/2015 01:35:57 pm
Surely, evangelization occurs not so much in responding to a blog but in responding in love to the people God sends our way. Perhaps some people are busy because they have been inspired and moved on to action in the world.
5/19/2015 06:44:57 am
Very well said Janet .
jackie white
5/16/2015 05:47:10 am
You can't back out of a 'call' lady friend. If the leader of the pack quits...what will happen to the rest of us?
5/16/2015 05:49:02 am
I think Paul gives us a good example and instructions in Ephesians 1.15-23.
5/18/2015 05:32:36 am
Thank you Dan! I thought it might be fun to list the top 10 Gospel passages. I got the idea from a friend who asked all of his friends to list the top 1001 movies. That was a wee bit too ambitious for me. Want to get us started?
5/18/2015 12:06:18 pm
Titus 2.11-15 5/18/2015 01:37:41 pm
Good one! I'm smiling Dan...let me give you one in the morning. Thanks
Ellen Moran
5/17/2015 03:14:49 pm
I am only one among many I know, I can't take myself too seriously.Just who the heck do I think I am...sometimes :D !
Thank you Ellen for your well crafted and thoughtful response to a blog intended to make a person stop and think: Is that me? Is that who I am? Change is needed to answer The Call to The New Evangelization. But first one must recognize the need to make some changes. It seems that no one likes a mirror held up to the face; I am no exception. But sometimes it is a necessary evil. When I made the commitment to facilitate discussion at LetItAllStartHere, it purpose was to encourage reflection on issues that are not being pondered. No one wants to feel uncomfortable. It take courage to make a stand because most of the time I'm standing alone. Jesus said: "If you find the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you." (John 15:18)
Ellen Mary Moran
5/18/2015 01:33:36 am
We, are never alone.I care,We all have different gifts,that's how it works.I prefer working anonymously as many in the "unknown"communion of saints. I ask for their intercessory prayer on every endeavor for the GGG. We don't "fit in" here (this world).I feel more of a Communion of purpose with the church,suffering and triumphant than I do with church "militant",it's a bloody battle field. 5/18/2015 05:47:21 am
Personally, I prefer to do my work with and for Christ's people in person. I am here at this blog because the "powers that be" believe it is the only way we will reach many of those in need of Christ's healing grace. I was at a Faith Formation Workshop run by the diocese of Albany and the facilitator stated: " We are not going to get people back in Church the way they use to be there. (Meaning the number of people...) Those days are gone." I was appalled and I don't agree with his decree. The Church can't beat them so they are going to join them, thus social media is the venue that is the recommended conduit. All it takes is a bit of mindfullness and five minutes to log in, read the post and forward the link to three people. It does not take any talent. And responding to the blog can be as simple as saying: That was great...I hope more people read it . Or...I disagree with the point you raised and here is why. It's very easy. The important thing is to share these Christ based ideas with others. How many people out there haven't thought about God today? Countless numbers. It is our job...yes JOB to put GOD in there consciousness because when he is there for a few minutes while they read a silly blog there is an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to effect change and that is what we are looking for. If God doesn't cross a person mind there is nothing He can do for them.
John Thorburn
5/18/2015 06:27:46 am
"Too busy to answer His call"? Is that how we should be prepared for the second coming?
5/19/2015 02:52:43 am
"I give you a new commandment:
5/19/2015 07:01:10 am
Corinne...glad to see you're still with us. Have you shared the link: http://www.letitallstarthere.com/blog/ with three people that need prayers (See Prayer Wall) or could use some spiritual nourishment. Fr. Cambi's homilies are available at LetIt All Start Here
5/20/2015 05:34:25 am
The Homilies are HERE! I never knew that! Ive been going back and forth between the church web site and this blog. How silly that I never noticed that giant grey list under the word BLOG.
5/20/2015 06:37:25 am
Diane: Finding " fault" is too harsh a tag and really not my intention. I was not criticizing anyone, rather I was calling to my fellow parishioners. I wanted to address the The Call to The New Evangelization and what is needed to evangelize. I really don't care what "call" a person discerns. "To each his own..." as they say. I just want to remind folks that courage is needed to answer God's call. In every aspect of our faith courage is required. As Elisha stated on the blog today: It all starts with courage.
5/21/2015 03:05:16 am
Aah! The Phoenix! I'll give this a try although Im sure my explanation will not give him the justice that Fr. David's would. The legend of the Phoenix is that every so many years he burns up and is reduced to a pile of ashes, but from those ashes he is born anew. He rises up out of those ashes as a new life. I think Fr. David saw it as symbolic of our rebirth through the waters of Baptism. If nothing else, he has given us much fruit for discussion! I love that this particular work of art comes from a very special gallery that celebrates the gifts of those individuals who face such great challenges in life. To me, that Phoenix is a reminder of the unique gifts that each of us has and a reminder to appreciate the gifts of others. Maybe not Fr. David's original intent, but it has served me well none the less.
Diane: I have seen Christ in you ever time we've met. I actually find myself wishing I were more like you. As far as that phoenix goes...I can write a thesis on why it has no business in a Catholic Church. The early Christians may have had some vague attachment to the bird whose mythology will confuse today's "nones", "newbies" and people who only have a only a smidge of knowledge about the Catholic faith. Last time I read the Gospel a dove symbolized baptism, the Holy Spirit and renewal. It may be a beautiful piece of art but it has nothing to do with Christ Jesus. AND tell Fr. David ALL things should speak of Christ and be Christ centered as we work to answer the call of this New Evangelization. St. Mary's is a church not a New Age Center. He should thank God I'm not a parishioner there at St. Mary's. Thanks for your thoughtful responses.
5/22/2015 11:37:17 pm
Did then that which is good become death to me? By no means! But sin, that it might be manifest as sin, worked death for me through that which is good, in order that sin by reason of the commandment might become immeasurably sinful. For we know that the law is spiritual but I am carnal, sold into the power of sin. For I do not understand what I do, for it is not what I wish to do, but what I hate, that I do. But if I do what I do not wish, I admit that the law is good. Now therefore it is no longer I who do it, but the sin that dwells within me. For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, no good dwells, because to wish is within my power, but I do not find the strength to accomplish what is good. For I do not the good that I wish, but the evil that I do not wish, that I perform. Romans 7: 13-19. 5/23/2015 03:51:41 am
Thanks Dennis, happy you're here! Anyone else want to add to the top 10 Bible passages if all time? What do you think Dan?
5/23/2015 04:54:56 am
Dan...watch for my essay on seeking the mercy of God. Posting today. Thanks for being here.
5/23/2015 08:27:26 am
That's how I use the bible, I open it and read. Eventually I come across a passage that speaks to me or reflects how I am feeling or comforts. All passages are top 10 for me at some time or another. Just sharing what passage reflects me today, I'm greatfull for this blog that allows me to express this.
5/23/2015 09:09:03 am
What a great thing to say! Thank you...thank you. I'm just about to publish an essay on Seeking God's mercy.
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