For Catholics who care...
Dear Evelyn: May God bless you in many ways, and especially with peace of mind and heart and joy in your service. I realized I failed to write to you personally after your blog post - I wanted you to know that yes I did immediately recognize Juan by your description AND by the rosary I had noticed around his neck when I served on the Monday evening that week. I noticed it because I know we are not "supposed" to wear rosaries as jewelry, but of course I would not comment. So when I went again last night and he was there but not wearing it. So I asked where is your Rosary? He pointed to a special pocket in the jacket that he was carrying and said reverently, in there. He said "when I shower I have to take it off, so ..." keeping it safe there. I thought you might enjoy this sequel from another perspective. I had never spoken to him before, except to take his tray and ask God to bless him. Now we have a smiling relationship!
jackie white
4/14/2015 07:27:32 pm
Maybe Juan was wearing the rosary as a sign of his faith and not as jewelry. He was witnessing in his own way. I think that was a beautiful thing to do.
Chrissy B
4/15/2015 12:14:20 am
Evelyn, after reading your latest post I was reminded of this story from The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis DeMonfort, found under the Eighth Rose. I hope you don’t mind me sharing.
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