For Catholics who care...
In September, hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of Philadelphia the day Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Benjamin Franklin Parkway. They wanted a chance to see him “in persona Christi capitis” or “in the person of Christ the head.” Maybe, they hoped that by just laying eyes on him, he would have some effect on their lives, maybe they had wanted their presence to exclaim: Thank you Francis for all you have done for us! Maybe they needed to witness one of God’s modern day miracles in real time. Whatever their reasons…they came. People gathered from all over the United States: Those who believe and those who are just seekers and admires caught up in the Francis frenzy. Everyone loves a superstar!
Imagine the heroic effort that was required to just get the chance to breathe the same air the Pope breathed. Imagine the planning, the expense, the amount of time, effort and the discomfort some individuals may have endured just to have an opportunity to say they saw him. Have you asked yourself: Why was this so important to all these people? After all, he is not God! And I am asking you now: If you had a chance to see God would you make some such effort? Would you? Of course you would! In his homily, that day our beloved Pope reminded the faithful that “much like happiness, ‘holiness is always tied to little gestures’.” He said too: “These little gestures are those we learn at home, in the family; they get lost amid all the other things we do, yet they do make each day different.” Now, I will ask you this: If I were holding in my hand free passes for you to have a private audience with the pope, how many of you would wait on line for hours just for the opportunity to secure the pass? How many of you would get up at 1 am to start the journey toward the place where this holy man could be found? As I revised this essay I could not help but hum the theme song from the 1970 rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. And I want to tell you all: Guess what...we actually have the “SuperStar” in our midst. So come on out to see him! On December 4th and 5th , the first Friday and Saturday of next month (at Sacred Heart Parish, Stamford, NY), you’ve been invited, free of charge, to a private audience with someone who is greater than the pope, someone who is holier…someone who wants to be with you so that he might make a difference in your life. You have been invited to keep company with the only superstar that really matters: Jesus himself! On December 4th at 3pm, Fr. Michael will expose the Blessed Sacrament: the real presence of Christ in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, so that you may enjoy a visit with Him at some point during the following 24 hours. Recall what Pope Francis said about ‘little gestures’. It is so important. Participating in our inaugural 24 Hour Adoration wouldn’t cost you as much as traveling to Philadelphia to see the Pope might have. Your making the special trip to come and just sit with Jesus for an hour is the kind of small gesture the Pope invites you to make and it tells the world: We remember…we celebrate…we believe!
11/15/2015 06:16:24 am
Oh no! Your asking me for a commitment , that's were things get difficult for me!
11/16/2015 02:49:31 am
I think you are right on! I hope we all respond. Give us the grace and the strength dear Lord, and we will be filled with your holy joy.
Chrissy B
11/16/2015 12:57:10 pm
It is with great honor that my family and I accept our invitation to a private audience with our Lord, Jesus. I am truly excited about being part of the 24 hour Adoration. We will put our names down for one of the least desired times in order to make it more convenient for others.
Pat Hatch
11/16/2015 01:31:19 pm
"Jesus is the same in the Eucharist as in Heaven; He is ever beautiful, ever new, ever infinite. You need not fear lest this infinite source should run dry; Jesus has so many graces,so much glory to give us!"
Catherine Weredyk
11/19/2015 07:35:42 am
Sorry I missed your presentation last weekend. But your talk was inspiring and I definitely will be there sharing some of my time with Jesus!
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