For Catholics who care...
“What does relativism have to do with same sex marriages?” My old friend asked me as we walked together in the yellow light of afternoon.
“It does not recognize anything as definitive. That being said…it allows under the protection of its umbrella… same sex marriages,” I said scooping the soft, sweet green of an avocado out of its leathery shell and onto a spoon. “Relativism gives us a license to do as we damn well please, rewrite the rules… redefine the truth...make a mess of things in the name of our own ego and desires.” I licked my spoon clean and tossed the avocado shell into the tall grass along the trail we walked. “Who’s truth?” My friend queried, watching me curiously. “Was that good?” he asked through a crooked smile, a smile that said: “You are too weird.” “Our truths...truths that were once derived directly from reality or were established by logic.” I reached out and plucked the blue, vacant half-shell of a robin’s egg from where it teetered on a raft of birch leaves. “Don’t play devil’s advocate with me.” I warned. “I love avocado….” I continued: “Anyway, like the baby robin once housed in this empty shell, we are created from the conjoining of one male and one female. And… that was the sole purpose of the robins who coupled and made this egg. ‘Not to satisfy their own ego and/or desires, but to continue the species. So, if we are like birds of the air, and we know we are in that regard, how is it that same sex marriages will create this end result?” I asked as I flipped the paper thin shell of my example over my shoulder to join the remnants of the avocado. “I am worn out from debating the absurdities we are constantly asked to accept. Most recently the Bruce Jenner fiasco. I am offended by people who will do anything to avoid offending others, even if it means swallowing a lie...even if it means allowing the lie to take on a life of its own. For me, to call a partnership between a man and a man or a woman and a woman, a marriage is as untrue as calling Bruce Jenner a woman named Caitlyn.” This is simply a case of mislabeling. I turned to face my friend: “When will we have the courage to seek, recognize and accept the truth regardless of how difficult it is? When will we start ...I wonder? When will you? Who will be brave enough to say: I love you. But enough is enough.” “The world is getting more and more confusing to me and sometimes I find myself wishing I were simply a robin,” I said, as I walked on ahead of my friend.
John Thorburn
6/27/2015 09:42:23 am
You know what they say: It takes a while to get used to something new to you.
Elizabeth Bishop
6/27/2015 11:20:45 am
Am I cursed in that I can appreciate both sides of this "conflict" or blessed that I have empathy for those who rejoice in the decisions of the self appointed high court of this land? Am I being tolerant as our Lord would want or am I sitting a very dangerous fence? I have friends that are overjoyed that they can now legally marry the person they love and friends that are disgusted with a court that uses "in God we trust" to justify this, that or the other but does not adhere to His word. The sad reality is that we are not "one nation under God" and have not been for a long time. All I know with all that is in me is that no matter what man judges to be right and true, God will be the only judge whose opinion matters and in the end HIS WILL WILL BE DONE.
I will have to provide you with some Gospel readings that illustrate that Christ did not always suggest that we be tolerant. Remember, one can choose not to accept something and do so in a kind and respectful way. I have this nagging feeling that this can of worms that was opened by this historic Supreme Court ruling is going to unleash a fury that our Lord will not like to see. Have you watched what is going on on FB around the ruling? It is all very sad. But I would suggest that we look more at the idea of relativism and its effects on our culture, which we can do something about and less at the same sex marriage decision...which has been made and will not be over turned. Not ever.
6/27/2015 09:24:51 pm
What did God think was good?
6/29/2015 12:29:02 am
I guess I should include the idea that God made them to be together, male and female. Genesis chapter 2 develops that idea fully. I need to re-read my comments more often.
6/29/2015 02:39:00 am
Dan...that happens to me all the time. I get sooo excited about writing in response to something God related that strikes me that I forget to proof read LOL! Anyway, it becomes a challenge to teach, enlightened, encourage others in what Our Lord wants because many of the folks out there aren't considering His intentions since they don't know Him. What gets me every time are those who identify themselves as Christians and yet can't bring themselves to taking a stand on what is real and true.
jackie white
6/29/2015 10:06:19 am
Says Mother Theresa: "God does not require that we be successful, only that we be faithful. "
6/30/2015 10:31:58 am
I am sorry I deviate from topic. I feel I should ask this group their forgiveness . I like to use passages from the Bible to speak to me and for me. When I have employed passages I use them for what the passage seems to say to me. I have not considered those passages as to what they say in the larger text and most likely, miss the true message. Here is where I ask forgiveness, it seems possible that in my desire to share I could be leading down a path that is not the path intended. Not God's path. Consider my plea!
6/30/2015 11:53:30 am
I hadn't found your biblical offerings problematic. I think they have been very fruitful in that they speak directly to the heart.
6/30/2015 09:51:44 pm
Thank you for being a friend, Evelyn. Paul states it very well in Romans 14: 12-13. I don't think I use this incorrectly. "Therefore every one of us will render an account for himself to God. Therefore let us no longer judge one another, but rather judge this, that you should not put a stumbling block or a hindrance in your brother's way."
Ellen Moran
7/1/2015 11:58:57 pm
When a culture loses "Truth"it dies.(Historically) I think "folklore wit" says, "He who fails to remember"is doomed to repeat".I like another version,"Why are we in this hand basket and why are we moving so quickly".I was very disappointed at the SCOTUS ruling.
7/4/2015 02:34:32 am
I was raised in a Catholichiusehold; I believe my mother to be a candidate for sainthood (RIP 8/7/1994). I went to mass regularly, lit candles, made Novenas, did Stations of the Cross, said the Rosary, prayed regularly, and observed periods of silence and contemplation on Good Friday. I have not been a "practicing" Catholicfor many years, but still consider myself spiritual, and s person of faith. I am not afraid to stand up for my beliefs. I believe God is pure Love, but I don't believe in Absolute Truth (except for death of the body). For me , Scripture is interpretation; o believe there is a right way to live - but no ONE right way. For example, if marriage is love and commitment, then love is the issue, not homosexuality or heterosexuality (I am heterosexual, on my late 60s,, and have been married for almost 33 years). If love is real,then I believe God is present. But "Truth?" Who is brazen enough to claim to have a corner on truth?
7/4/2015 06:34:42 am
I Am bold and without shame enough to declare that I have a clear understanding of what is truth...because I have recognized from where truth came. Christ said: “ I am the way and the truth and life." AND "No one comes to the Father (GOD) except through Me." John 14:6. The second part of this verse is the important part for all those smart people out there who are too smart to openly recognize, admit and embrace the truth. Or whose extremely high intelligence has them moving in cirles. Give seeing with eyes of faith a try. Tou-che or (tooSHa)
7/4/2015 07:32:51 am
You believe in Absolute truth; I do not. I also believe God represents unconditional love, i. e., without conditions (or requirements). Why does my faith have to be like yours to be valid? Also, I'm not all that intelligent, so my disagreement is neither circular nor meant as a challenge to what others believe.
7/4/2015 08:18:03 am
What does it feel like to not know Absolute truth?
7/4/2015 08:45:41 am
Someone once asked Paul Newman - "What's it like to be Paul Newman?"
7/4/2015 08:40:43 am
BTW the topic discussed was TRUTH in regards to Relativism. You muddy the waters when you introduce the word Faith into the equation. Please ponder that....
7/6/2015 01:21:23 am
Your reply siting the famed Paul Newman was well done. I need to think about all this....
7/6/2015 09:08:20 am
Hello Michael, you talked about growing up in the church. Do you miss church? Do you ever consider returning to mass? How about prayer? All would be overjoyed at your return, I hope this is a truth you do believe.
jackie white
7/6/2015 09:25:19 am
Michael, please do consider Dennis' invitation. I invite you to come back, also. With the help of good friends, you can sort things out and be one of the greatest practicing Catholics ever again....again..........
jackie white
7/6/2015 08:01:51 pm
Michael, in my Daily Inspiration from Loyola Press this morning, I would like to share this with you. It is all connected.
7/13/2015 02:52:45 am
Dennis and Jackie and Evelyn... thank you got your comments and encouragement. I have never really been a "joiner" of organizations - religious, political, social, etc. there is entirely too much stereotyping and baiting that goes on - which takes away energy and focus from what I consider to be more important/immediate issues. As a young boy growing up in a very Catholic family, I was content and hopeful; however, none of the "groups" I became aware of over time encouraged "free thinking"... Tolerance was only up to a point, then even minor deviations or differences became contentious in a way. there was a "status quo" that wasn't meant to be threatened.
7/13/2015 09:33:05 am
Thanks Michael been thinking about you. I invite you continue to check in and involve yourself if you feel comfortable doing so. Peace!
jackie white
7/13/2015 10:22:04 am
7/15/2015 01:07:48 am
Jackie, thank you. This forum is special. You all are special.
Janet Wenner
7/30/2015 01:36:32 am
Funny thing... Presumably he meant to ask, "Whose truth?" (Because, of course, abstract truth is an impossiblity." But "Who's truth?" has a simple answer: Jesus. Jesus is truth.
7/30/2015 07:36:37 am
There are absolute truths. And I will compile a list. Thank you Michael and Janet for working with this blog topic. But let us not digress. Bruce Jenner is not a woman. Period. Let me say that personally, I have withstood a great deal of trails and pain to become the woman God made me. Wrinkles, gray hair, aged breasts and many a failed relationship. Cosmetic surgery or wishing one was someone other than who he/she came into this world as doesn't make it so.
7/31/2015 01:42:52 am
evelyn... i am curious to see your list of "absolute truths. "
8/2/2015 12:06:06 pm
Michael...the subject of my blog post is relativism AND here in lies the rub! The concern is larger than that of satisfying desire and ego, which the issue of "gay marriage" and "transgender" directly speak to. The chronic problem is RELATIVISM! 200 years from now Bruce Jenner will have been forgiven and there will be a popular trend that will replace most current one that has drawn the public & media attention BUT if we don't understand the "Dictatorship of Relativism" and wage a campaign against it those who can't recognize the disease will become as unhealthy as the folks they are catering to.
8/2/2015 02:37:43 pm
in an earlier comment about this, i mentioned "tolerance" and free thinking; i see this as a difference in how we view relativism. i don't see relativism as a license to satisfy "desire and ego"... nor as a "dictatorship"... nor a disease. i think taking it to the extreme - as almost anything taken to the extreme - is both harmful and divisive.
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