For Catholics who care...
This was a comment left by a woman at my blog, www.letitallstarthere.com in response to my post, Being Catholic is Eternal: “On entering, (a Church), all the rituals (the holy water, the genuflecting) immediately return and I can hear the stories of my grandmothers about saints and the hand of God gracing their lives in moments of tragedy or even an ordinary bad day.”
Sharon’s response made one thing clear to me. There is a question that all Catholics committed to following the call of The New Evangelization must attempt to answer: How do we get people to trust us? How do we get them not to be afraid, so that we might invite them to experience the magical feeling, the beauty, the comfort and the peace that comes after having given Christ and His Church a chance? How funny people can be! Think about the last time you were very lost on a car ride (Men are less likely to relate to this example…but just go with it). Most people would think nothing of stopping and asking a perfect stranger to direct them into their future. I mean, the trust element is huge! And I choose these words intentionally: “direct them into their future.” That is what really happens when you are lost and ask for directions. For that moment, if you think about it, you don’t know what lies ahead and you still ask a stranger to guide you. You trust him. I can’t stop myself from wondering why it is so difficult for three of my dearest, most devoted friends, (who are “fallen away Catholics” or atheist)…why is it so hard for them to trust in me and open their hearts to my sharing The Joy of The Gospel? Am I too childlike? Am I not sophisticated enough? Am I not as intelligent as I need to be to convince them of something different than what they think they know? Is my life experience so much different than theirs that I’m disqualified? Am I so much different than they are? Why must they say these words in the middle of a dialogue, with a smirk and with a tone of condescension: “Good. I am glad it works for you?” END OF CONVERSATION. Once, I had an idea about a documentary I wanted to make to celebrate our altar boys who once served the Catholic Church. I saw a connection between the influence of Christ’s teachings, the Church’s guidance and the lives of service many of these men went on to live. My film would have been called: It All Starts Here. When I shared my idea with a friend of mine, she, in adversarial way, questioned me: “Why do you care if a person believes in God or not? What’s it to you?” My answer was quick and certain: “It’s just the type of person I am. If I have found something that is helpful or works for me, I want share it. The world is a hard place to navigate. Everyone is looking for solutions to their problems. If I lost 40lbs and kept it off, I would share my secret. If I survived my child’s drug addiction and remained loving, healthy and sane…I’d share how I manage to do so. If I found the “fountain of youth”, I would probably tell a few people where it was. Why wouldn’t I tell everyone I meet about Christ at work in my life?” I guess with today’s post I want to ask my friends and my daughter, whom I love: Won’t you trust in me at least as much as you might the stranger you’ve asked for directions when you were lost? It would mean a lot to me. Thanks.
jackie white
12/18/2014 07:24:22 am
Yes, I do love you, Lord.
12/19/2014 11:57:44 am
You are right. I heard a minister on a talk show speaking of raising children years ago. He said this quote..".My parents did not tell me how to live, they lived their lives and let me watch." I was working with new mom's at the time and when went they went home, I always put that quote in their farewell card.
12/19/2014 11:51:56 am
Someone from church just sent me this blog and although I don't have time to really respond b/c of the Christmas holidays. I wanted to say how much of what you said resonated with me. I love the analogy of being lost while traveling! I have been finding my faith again..although being a cradle Catholic I am amazed at how much I did not know and how much I need to learn. Also how my Catholic family(most now fallen away ) and friends, you went to Catholic school why do you think you need to do this ?? I am trying to find ways myself to "start the conversation." in a way to get them to ask me questions. So I think this blog will be good to brainstorm , how to reach out and touch people in a kind loving way that does not turn them off. I have done some work with the Dvd's and books of Fr. Barron and Gaitley and I feel so inspired by them both. Thanks for doing this.
12/19/2014 10:19:31 pm
Valerie...thank you for sharing your thoughts with us
12/19/2014 11:56:44 pm
I think that it takes time for a blog to catch on. I am in a women's group at my church. We have met to read a book and come together to discuss it. After the holidays I will send this out to them. I don't have everyone's email now. I did get your blog from the prayer list I belong to and if she sent it to me yesterday I am sure she sent it to the other 100!! I am not the best on the computer so if you get a notice that I xld pls re-instate me . I tried to respond to your email on the click here on your reply to me and then found out it was unsubscribe.opps I deleted it. I hope it did not go through! I think this is a great idea . I already had some insight on something , so I think by sharing ideas is how we will learn the way ! Merry Christmas!
I have also included in a sidebar of titles, just samples of great books to read about our faith which are available at our lending library at Sacred Heart Parish. One book that helped me greatly was Matthew Kelly's, The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. We hosted a book supper around this book. It was great! Now get back to your Christmas preparations! More later. E
12/27/2014 05:22:05 am
Stephanie...I am happy to have you here. Stors things up a bit. But...and I will verif this...the practice of yoga for health benefits and meditation is not a sin. I'm off to Mass. Thanks
jackie white
12/27/2014 05:33:46 am
12/27/2014 07:51:00 am
Glad you are watching Jackie! Did you read Fr. Michael's Christmas homily? I posted it as soon as I could. Share it with everyone you know through www.letitallstarthere.com. We need the foot traffic. And folks really need the details of the God-man we know is Jesus Christ. Sooo many are misinformed Merry Christmas to you!
jackie white
12/27/2014 08:18:04 am
Yes, Evelyn, I did read the Christmas homily today. It the greatest. I will send it to the person in charge of our prayer line. She has the e-mail addresses of many of our parishioners. Many read his homilies weekly when he posts them during the week after his delivery. I will encourage them to go to your blog to read it there. That way they can share what is in their heart to share. I want to give it more than one read before I comment.
12/27/2014 07:56:51 am
Stephanie: I am glad you are participating in the blog but I would prefer you took a kinder, gentiler approach when disagreeing. You have a great deal of knowledge to share here. We want a open loving dialogue among people who are striving to have a hearts like Jesus.
12/29/2014 06:11:55 am
Hi I just got home and there is a lot to read so I wanted to take the time and get my thoughts together before I respond. I also wanted to make sue that I have not deleted myself again .I think I might have . I am so happy that we are starting the conversation on the very important subject of evangelization.
12/29/2014 07:46:21 am
No Valerie...you are still with us. I had a guest blogger. I post our Pastor's Christmas Homily. I will be posting again at the end of the week. Enjoy!
12/29/2014 09:03:55 am
thank you!
1/7/2015 08:43:42 am
HI..I just wanted to say that there is a book by Fr. Mitch Paqua( I think that is the spelling of his last name) He is on EWTN and has a book about New Age etc. I just received it in the mail so I am not going to comment on any of these replies till I read it. I am reading the Romance of Religion, I got it for Christmas .It is a very good book as well. I saw him talking about the book on Women of Grace and then I will read Fr. Mitch's book. Stay warm it is freezing out!!
1/7/2015 10:27:26 am
Hello Valerie. Good that you are back. Great title...The Romance of Religion. Perhaps you can write a review for www.letitallstarthere.com. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for checking in.
1/9/2015 12:22:07 am
jackie white
1/9/2015 01:42:43 am
1/9/2015 02:23:18 am
Great Jackie! Thanks for getting that information out to us. I have another idea about a retreat house but I need to check details. It is run by nuns and is a real woodland setting. Basically its God, nature and you. More later. And be sure to read along at www.letitallstarthere.com tonight or tomorrow. I will be posting on First Friday Holy Hour. Cheers...
Stephanie Zito
1/10/2015 09:15:47 am
Comment deleted
Stephanie Zito
1/11/2015 07:01:10 am
To be evangelizing, one needs to be fully armed with the Word of God and believe ALL of the Word of God and to understand it, and accept the Catholic Church's teaching. Evangelizing should be a "calling" from God and from God only based on long prayer alone with God seeking for His will. The answer to prayer does not always come in our time and most of the time the answer does not come for a very long time because God will test us. God will wait for us to live our lives in direct alignment to what His Word says and His will is.
1/11/2015 09:26:36 am
Thanks for the info on the retreat houses.I live 1 mile from Stillpoint and have been there often for classes. I go to a dream workshop once a month with SR. Carol Davis at the Dominican retreat house. I was going to comment a little more but after all the letters above , I think I will wait. I almost done with the book and when I have time I will sit down and give a synopsis. Thanks, Valerie
Stephanie Zito
1/13/2015 02:49:08 am
1/10/2015 5:15 PM Keep this Evelyn deleted this comment. I put it back in on 1/13/2015
Stephanie Zito
1/13/2015 03:12:32 am
From the Roman Catholic Catechism in the Life of Christ: Divination and magic "2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility".
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